2/9 Pt. 2 - Presentation

 Original Plan:

Making a VR project in Unreal, hand-coding the controllers

New software
Relearning C++

I know nothing about Unreal

New Plan:

Making a VR Fishing game where 
-The fish is controlled by someone else with a phone using OSC
- Project is in UE5 now
- Logic Done with Blueprints

Current Timeline:

This week: 

I'm going to familiarize myself with Unreal and its VR package, I will also try to build a small scene in the engine.

Next Week: 

Next week I will work on the actual fishing controls and get everything working

Week 7: 

I will work on getting the fish into the pond and making the player able to catch them

Week 8: 

This week will be dedicated to refining what is already in the game (Mechanics and assets)

Week 9: 

This week will be for getting the fishing moving with the phone

Week 10: 

This will be for the finishing touches.

This week:

where I want to be kinda.

Coming up:

OSC Implementation:

Also, the Actual fishing.


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