2-28 Fishing Line and Crashing Research

 So, with the very rudimentary fishing system in place, it was time to start moving forward with getting the next mechanic in place.  First, I started with a look at why my UE5 keeps crashing. 

This resource from Epic themselves has a few possible solutions to the error that comes up:


In addition, here's a video I found that does look that those solutions in action:


After spending time getting those things in order it was time to look into the fishing line itself, starting with looking at how other people have done something similar. 

The closest example I could find was this Reddit thread:


He achieves the look of the rod with 3 cable components, and it's only really the one on the end that changes length. This might be the easier of the two to attempt to implement, as it seems like a line might not be too difficult to change sizes, but the physics is where this might cause issues.

Another potential forum post I found draws a 3d line for the fishing line rather than using the cable components:


At the same time that this is a much different approach to the current existing rod I have, this might be a possible fallback if the cable components get too taxing or run into too many physics issues.


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